When faced with all of the supporters lining the finishing straight, Sandy couldn’t resist putting a couple bike lengths on me for a finishing sprint. She caught me by surprise, and I admitted to her afterward how ridiculous I felt making the effort to edge her out, and in way too small of a gear. I felt somewhat like a circus clown on a mini-bike, not having enough time to wind up a more appropriate big gear in reaction to her move. I should have just let her go, instead of flailing my legs around like an idiot, but I got caught up in the excitement, too. I apologized to her afterward and joked that I should have been tested for doping before the ride - “dope” being the key word!
The problem I had with the MS ride is that the event may have outgrown itself, with thousands of people, many of the lesser-experienced variety, jamming the roads. Maneuvering in tight spaces is difficult even for skilled veteran cyclists, so any intersections or feed zones were an adventure! The difference in pace among hardcore cyclists and the occasional rider created some hazards as well. There was a definite lack of cycling etiquette, as slower cyclists, who really should have been to the right, were passed on either side without proper verbal warning. I found myself startled several times when I announced that I was “on the left”, going by someone, and caught another (unannounced) cyclist right along my rear wheel, trying to buzz by us both!
This was a charity fundraiser ride, not a race, no timed finishes, no award or cash prizes given out at the finish line. Everyone’s main goal is to finish in one piece, and hopefully with your bicycle in the same condition in which you started. At the same time, the MS150 should be a fun, social event. Certainly when the conditions are safe, sharing a conversation side by side is no problem, but riders were often fanned out across the road, three or four across, making it impossible for faster-paced cyclists to pass.
Because much of the route was open to traffic, cars had an even more difficult time getting by, and to the drivers’ credit, most were very patient, and we experienced little honking or yelling. Mind you, there was plenty of yelling by other cyclists, especially from our team, to move over to let the traffic pass! Signs that warned participants to refrain from “swamping” (surrounding) cars were completely ignored, making turns, or really any movement, by the motorist impossible. It was also frightening to see a group of cyclists in a paceline attempt to go around a large pack of slower cyclists by using the oncoming lane of traffic and cause the cars rushing towards them to swerve out of the way. It’s no wonder a majority of drivers have a prejudice against cyclists – many of them ride like idiots!
Todd suggested getting up earlier would help to avoid the larger number of slower cyclists, but if you are a regular reader, you know how much I love morning rides in the first place…NOT! As much as I recognize the importance of charitable causes, I’m thinking the smaller attendance of the club-sponsored rides is the preferred alternative for me.
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